
Introduction to the Gaelic Culture for ECEs

This training was developed by EYCDC (NSCECE) with support of the Department of Gaelic Affairs and the advisory committee from the Gaelic community members. In this seminar, you will learn about the Gaels in Nova Scotia, their historical background, traditions, and modern day revival of culture and language.

A Gaelic Educator Eamag Dhòmhnullach (Emily MacDonald) from Cape Breton explains how play materials in the Collection  reflect the Gaelic culture and benefit children's development.

Part 1 includes:

  • Who Are the Gaels?
  • Gaelic Cultural Elements
  • Gaelic Learning Phrases
  • Gaels in 2024

Part 2 includes: 

  • Tools and Resources which provides and overview of the play materials in the collection that can be borrowed for your classroom.
  • Click on the tile with the photo for each collection item to learn how these materials are connected to the culture and how they benefit children through open-ended, hands-on exploration.

Please refer to the Gaelic NS Resource Guide (in downloads) to learn more about the Gaelic culture. It will help you to develop a deeper understanding of the historical contexts and inspire to bring more culturally appropriate Gaelic learning resources into your environments. 

After filling out a reflection form at the end of the seminar, you will receive your certificate by email. 

Total: 1.5 PD Hours