Tuition – Domestic
9-mos ECA certificate - $3,920.44
12-mos onsite diploma - $13,206.90
16-mos online diploma - $13,206.90
14-mos online diploma with PLAR - $11,220.44
Tuition – International
9-mos ECA certificate - TBD
12-mos onsite diploma - $18,206.90
16-mos online diploma. - $18,206.90
Online diploma with PLAR - $16,220.44
International Differential
In addition to tuition, $1000
Student Fee
Applies to all programs - $125
Graduation Fee
All programs - $60
Note that there are many funding opportunities and you can get an idea of funding opportunities available to you using our NSCECE Funding Opportunities Calculator.
The estimated cost of books for ECE is $975 (less for ECA).