Loose Parts
Over 120 types of loose parts, including 20+ for infants and toddlers
2 large bundles of loose parts for outdoors play
over 30 types of tools (scoops, tongs, spoons, etc.)
over 80 "set up helpers" (trays, mats, baskets, bowls, etc.)
“In any environment, both the degree of inventiveness and creativity, and the possibility of discovery, are directly proportional to the number and kind of variables in it.”
Simon Nicholson,
Architect, Creator of the Theory of Loose Parts
Books Collection
Check our Library Catalogue by title, author, or keyword. We have:
- 1,242 children’s fiction books
- 430 children’s non-fiction books​
- 1,086 adult non-fiction books​
- 6 professional magazines subscriptions
- 58 theme book packs
Toys and Materials
- 168 thematical kits​
- 523 toys/games
​Coming Soon​
- 8 schema-based ‘treasure boxes’​
- 4 collections on historical NS cultures ​
with subscription
for online PD seminars!
Library Members Benefits
Borrow books, materials, and loose parts
Reserve the workroom for meetings
Bring children for a visit and story time
Have a question? Ask a Librarian.
Looking for something specific or exploring a topic of interest?
Ask Erin, our Library Clerk, about books and materials that might be relevant to your inquiry.
Providing details (author, book title, or children's age-group will be helpful).