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Individual ECE Plans
- Quality, self-paced, on-demand seminars
- Practical strategies,Ā supplemental materials
- Individual ECE logins,Ā onboarding support
- Emailed personal certificates
- Free complimentaryĀ Lending Library accessĀ
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(price includes HST)
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Natural and Practical Approaches to Literacy in Preschool Settings
Sue Stacey
1 Hour CE CreditĀ
Seminars combine videos, self-guided reading, a short quiz, and a reflection form.

Participants must pass the quiz and submit a meaningful reflection form to receive a certificate of completion.
Educators' testimonials

[My goal is] "To look at my day to day, and rate every stressor on the same scale Amy used, in order to see where I can slow down, worry less and where I need better management. Bigger goal is to do this for my personal life and work life separately so that I know where to create a balance when needed to avoid compassion fatigue. "
Chloe Martin
Case Aid
Department of Community Services

"I can use these ideas to develop not only my program but children's well-being, independence and resilience. I can ask parents and families instead of throwing out some stuff they don't need at home, maybe they can add to our collection of loose parts. In this way, children are also familiar that it comes from home thus adding conversations between educators and children."
Keziah Antoniette Correos
Early Childhood Educator
Prospect Bay Children's Centre
Meet our seminar presenters!

Liz Hicks
Liz Hicks, elementary teacher from England, ECE diploma, 40 plus years in early childhood, in various capacities, and at present a private consultant working in early childhood education in NS, providing professional development in a variety of topics, consultations and pedagogical leadership.

Ron Grady
Ron Grady has spent a decade in the early education field, starting out as a researcher and transitioning to work in classrooms. Ron holds a Bachelor’s in Psychology with a focus on learning and development, and a Master’s in Early Childhood Education. He teaches at the NOLA Nature School in New Orleans.

Carrie Melsom
Carrie Melsom has been engaged in actively thinking about ELCC since she entered the field in 1986. She has supported reflective practice and professional learning for early childhood educators since 2005. Carrie continues her own professional learning and growth as an active member of the ROW initiative, an ELCF facilitator and as the Coach Team Lead for the Pyramid Model in the Halifax Region.

Emily Martinello
Emily is an ECE instructor, former early interventionist, and published author. She has written 3 peer-reviewed articles on the topic of sexual abuse prevention, and recently developed and implemented a curriculum for Sexual Health NS focused on intellectual disabilities and sexuality.

Amy Sullivan
After working on the front lines as an ECE for 20 years, working in leadership as a director for 2, and having a private counselling practice for 5 years, I am thrilled to join you on this journey. We will share information, create awareness around mental health in the field with the goal of having personal solutions and strategies to help in everyday life.